You are more likely to spot a UFO than meet a bisexual Christian!
Submit a 200-300 word proposal to Carol by email to by Friday 3 January. If you wish to take part in an interview, email us outlining the area you would like to discuss.
Add a little bit of body text
Call for submissions
What is your bi-story? We, the editors (José & Carol), are seeking to compile an edited volume capturing the lives and experiences of those who identify as bisexual and Christian in Europe. We want to hear your story in your own voice and share it with others to strengthen our fellowship and our faith. The working title for this book is:
Bisexual Christians: Our Stories.
We plan to publish three different versions of the book, in English, German and Spanish.
You are invited to either write a chapter (3000 words minimum/5000 words maximum) on a particular area of interest to you as a bisexual Christian. If writing isn’t your thing, you can take part in an interview which we will write up as a chapter.
You can undertake either of these options in English, German, Spanish or Portuguese. We understand that you may wish to remain anonymous, and this is no problem. Names can be changed and other identifying info omitted.
Besides the bisexual orientation and the Christian faith, here are some suggestions of areas that we would like to hear about:
In the first instance, you are invited to submit a 200-300 word proposal to Carol by email to by Friday 3 January. Or if you wish to take part in an interview, to email with the area you would like to discuss.
The Editors
Dr Carol A Shepherd is a freelance academic tutor, writer, preacher, LGBT+ Christian activist and public speaker. She holds a doctorate in Sociology from the University of Winchester (UK) and is the author of several books on Bisexuality and Christianity.
Dr José Calvo Tello is an activist with a shared interest in bisexual Christian intersectional identities, and has been involved in several queer Christian activities in Goettingen. He works as researcher and subject librarian at the Goettingen State & University Library and holds a doctorate in Humanities from the University of Wuerzburg (Germany) in the field of Digital Humanities.